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See how Impel handles 1,800+ calls a week with Dialpad

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These days, you can buy virtually anything online, but some purchases require a closer look. For instance, car buyers will typically want to take a close look at a car before purchasing it. That’s where Impel comes in, helping auto dealers merchandise with virtual, interactive website experiences.

And to properly manage a modern website, modern communications are a must to help team members communicate and collaborate from anywhere, as well as to let customers get in touch any time. Impel’s phone system was first-generation VoIP system that relied mainly on physical desk phones, had a nearly unusable interface, and lacked both features and flexibility.

It was time for an upgrade.

Michael Case, IT Manager at Impel, knew they needed something new. He began looking for a cloud-based platform with a built-in VoIP phone system that they could access from anywhere, as locally-based resources wouldn’t be enough to keep up with what the company needed. His goals were to find a platform with stability and reliability—something he knew he could trust. Even industry leaders were subject to scrutiny, just in case they were trying to skate by on name recognition alone.

Could he find a solution to shift Impel's communications into high gear?

“Switched in the nick of time"

At the time, Impel was already using Dialpad Meetings (or UberConference, as it was known then), so the team was already familiar with Dialpad’s video conferencing features:

From there, moving the company’s telecommunications to Dialpad was a clear step forward.

As for onboarding? It was a quick process. Dialpad’s team was incredibly responsive whenever Impel needed assistance, and they worked together to train multiple groups of users—everyone from Sales to Marketing to Finance. While they onboarded about 60 people, everybody took to the new system quickly, and Impel was ready to roll.

It’s such an intuitive system. When I’m training users on it, I’ll familiarize them with the interface, but it’s mostly just showing them where to find stuff. Once you see the interface, you can easily figure out what to do with it.

Michael Case
IT Manager, Impel

Impel also chose Dialpad at just the right time, because half a year later, the COVID-19 pandemic began. With Dialpad, Impel’s team could switch to working remotely without difficulty—they just brought their computers home with them, and that was that. Things would have gone differently if they’d still had their old phone system. According to Michael: “We really switched in the nick of time.”

We were all forced to completely change the way that we work, and the PBX system simply would not have worked at that point. And so the fact that we switched over to you guys six months prior is an incredible blessing, because that made my job worlds easier.

Michael Case
IT Manager, Impel

Calling, coaching, and more

Now, Impel uses Dialpad for communications, coaching, and as part of its CRM suite. The interface is so easy to use that they can quickly set up and customize it for each department as needed.

Take call recording, for instance. Some teams at Impel like the automatic recording for all calls, and rely on the automated message to inform callers about it. Other teams only want to record some calls and prefer to notify customers themselves. Well, Dialpad can enable call recording any which way, so every department can do what works best for them:

Before Dialpad, Impel had difficulty setting up coaching groups the way they needed. Now? It’s a simple, straightforward process. They have coaching teams for each department and teams within the departments, so that everyone can be trained with their specific requirements in mind,

Best of all: it’s just so seamless. Whether someone is at their desk or on the go, they can always access Dialpad and the calling features they need.

Being able to switch between the desktop and mobile interface has been big. When I’m on a call and have to step away from my computer, I just hit a button and the call flips from my computer to my phone as I’m going out the door. With most other platforms, you don’t really find that kind of seamless transition.

Michael Case
IT Manager, Impel

Salesforce... At full force

Impel also uses Salesforce as its customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Their previous phone system was an island adrift and isolated from the other systems, but Dialpad? Dialpad comes with a convenient Salesforce integration that lets Impel’s employees make calls through Dialpad within Salesforce, without needing to switch tabs or losing important contextual customer information.

“A lot of our sales folks like using the Dialpad widget within Salesforce, because it just lives in their Salesforce tab. So they can work straight out of that through a single pane of glass. That’s been especially appreciated,” Michael said.

“Our account managers at Dialpad are rockstars”

Impel has been cruising in high gear ever since it switched to Dialpad, with everything from Salesforce integrations to seamless mobility. With an average of around 1,800 calls per week, there’s no overstating how much easier Dialpad has made telecommunications. And throughout every mile of the journey, Dialpad has been there to help keep things running smoothly.

The care that Dialpad has taken with our account has been awesome. They’ve been super helpful whenever I have a concern, so as far as I’m concerned, our account managers are rockstars.

Michael Case
IT Manager, Impel

Take Dialpad for a spin

Sign up for a 14-day free trial to get phone calls, video meetings, and instant + SMS/MMS messaging in one place. It takes just a few minutes to get started, and you'll be set up with a virtual phone number too!