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How to start a contact centre: A guide by a contact centre team lead

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Setting up a contact centre in the UK can be a job and a half. Like creating a complex showstopper challenge on The Great British Bake Off, it needs careful planning and the right ingredients for it to work. And even if you follow the recipe to the letter, you might still end up with a soggy bottom.

Of course, it would be unsporting to get tips from the judges in the Bake Off tent, but the Dialpad equivalent of Paul Hollywood giving you a nudge or two in the right direction when it comes to setting up a hosted contact centre? Completely above board! So let me show you how to start a call centre.

Do you need a new call centre… Or a contact centre?

Before we go any further talking about how to set up a call centre, let’s clear up this common misconception.

A call centre is not a contact centre—and there are definitely some nuances between a contact centre versus a call centre business.

While some people use these terms interchangeably and while they do have a lot in common, contact centre and call centre services are two different beasts.

A call centre usually deals only with inbound and/or outbound phone calls.

A contact centre, on the other hand, goes beyond phone calls and covers multiple communication channels. And that’s essential in this day and age because customers expect convenience, flexibility, and the ability to choose their preferred mode of communication.

The most common modes of communication that a contact centre might cover:

  • Text messages (SMS & MMS)

  • Live chat

  • Email

  • Social media

  • Video meetings

Looking to start a call centre? 2 quick questions to figure out if you should opt for a contact centre instead

Most UK businesses today will benefit from switching their communications infrastructure to a contact centre model. Here’s how to tell if your organisation should think about a contact centre instead of just setting up a call centre.

Does your audience expect you to be there?

This is the easiest way to tell. If your customers (or your potential clients, or whoever you’re trying to communicate with) are using, or want to use, not only phone calls but also communications channels like live chat and video calls to reach you, then a contact centre is for you!

Do you need a better way to track KPIs and agent performance?

Contact centre solutions today are pretty robust, and come with built-in tools to help businesses continually improve their agent performance.

Having different channels available also helps a contact centre answer customer queries much more efficiently than a call centre setup. For example, one agent can handle only one phone call at a time, but may be able to do two or three chats at once. (Alternatively, you could rotate your agents so that they can focus on live chat or just the phones today.)

Dialpad integrates with many customer engagement tools, like Zendesk, Front, and Intercom, to help you cover all your channels easily.

Zendesk integration blog size

How to start a UK contact centre in 3 steps

Ready to turn your own call centre into a contact centre? Whether you’re running a customer support team or a financial services contact centre, this step-by-step guide will help you get up and running in three simple steps.

1. Create a business plan

Map out your journey from call centre (or your “starting from scratch” state) to contact centre. Your new business plan should outline why you are implementing a contact centre, and your projected outcomes.

A good contact centre business plan should include things like:

Number of employees to hire

This is one of the first decisions you should make when planning your contact centre. You’ll need to know how many employees you’ll need to hire, and by extension, how much equipment (like headsets), technology, and office space you’ll need to equip them.

Consider these factors to help you plan the scope of your contact centre:

  • Expected call volumes

  • Number of communication channels you’ll cover

👉 Fun fact:

PetPartners keeps a whopping 100+ employees connected across 22 different call centres. See how they manage their vast network of employees!

Kind of operations to handle

Will you deploy an in-house (internal) contact centre operation or outsource to a third party?

If opening a contact centre is going to involve relocation, provisions for this move should also be outlined in your business plan (for example, if you’re opening a contact centre out of town, overseas, or if you’re planning on outsourcing your contact centre).

Processes to implement

Outline all the processes that you will implement in your contact centre. This will include things like customer support, sales calls, incoming/outgoing communications, social media activity, email communications, account and billing management, order management, reporting, etc.

Costs to incur (budget plan)

Finally, close your business plan by setting a realistic budget that takes into account all the costs you are likely to incur by setting up and running (or outsourcing) a contact centre. Consider both one-off costs and recurring expenses.

One-off costs include things like:

  • Contact centre equipment

  • Website development

  • Marketing/ ad spend

Recurring expenses include things like:

  • Salaries

  • Business registration fees

  • Rent and utilities

  • High-speed internet

  • Software subscriptions

Using a SaaS model service (more on CCaaS) is a great way to control spending, since contact centre solutions like Dialpad are cost-effective and make it easy to set up and deploy a cloud-based contact centre for a recurring monthly subscription fee that you can scale up or down as and when needed.

That means you’ll always know exactly how much money is coming out of your account each month so you can plan and budget more accurately.

(Plus, because Dialpad deals with the entire backend, you’ll never have to worry about unexpected hardware or maintenance costs.)

2. Determine the setup and focus of your contact centre

Your business plan is just the first step in your contact centre preparations. You still have plenty more decisions to make.

You’ll need to decide whether yours is to be an on-site, remote, or hybrid contact centre, and whether you’ll engage primarily in outbound or inbound calls, and the industry within which you’ll be working.

Locate yourself—onsite or remote?

Decide whether you will run your contact centre on-site or remotely (or a combination of the two). The location of an on-site contact centre should take into account employee proximity and accessibility. If you’re going remote, the key consideration will then be equipping your teams with all the technology and equipment they need to work from home.

On-site contact centre

An on-site contact centre will need to operate from a central office where all your employees will report for work each day. This is the best option for fixed-location businesses, those with large teams, or for centres dealing with high-compliance cases.

However, there are downsides to choosing on-site deployment. It lacks the flexibility of remote working (something which more and more employees want), and it can often end up being more expensive (think rent, setup, maintenance).

If you are setting up an on-site contact centre, take into account the location’s proximity to company HQ and accessibility for your employees. (Are there good transport links?)

Remote contact centre

A remote contact centre (or virtual call centre) will operate from different locations, with most employees choosing to work from home. That means all of your company interactions will take place over an Internet connection. Today, that’s pretty easy to do, since most software uses VoIP technology to make it possible to have phone calls over the Internet.

Virtual contact centres reduce costs (less upfront capital and recurring bills), and increase flexible working options for employees.

See how Ace, a company that services residential customers with electric, plumbing, and HVAC services, went from a simplistic cloud-based call centre system to a more robust contact centre platform with features like live call monitoring:

Call purpose on live calls

Decide the focus of your services

Identify the key services that your business needs. Is your contact centre for outreach, inbound calls and messages, or a combination of the two?

Outbound call centres or contact centres are concerned with making calls to potential customers (often via sales diallers within a call management system). They are typically associated with sales calls (or cold calling) made to new customers, telemarketing, surveying, and appointment scheduling activities.

Dialpad Ai Contact Centre has features designed for sales call centres , like voicemail drop, which lets reps "drop in" a pre-recorded voicemail message instead of reciting a message every time they get sent to voicemail:

Voicemail Drop in Dialpad blog size v2

Inbound call centres and contact centres, on the other hand, receive calls and messages from customers (or prospects, or employees, and so on). They are typically concerned with offering support services in response to their enquiries. For example, an inbound contact centre might offer payment and order processing, help desk support, or over-the-phone processing upgrades and renewal requests.

Consider the industry that your contact centre is in

The final factor to consider when determining the setup and focus of your contact centre is industry. If you’re starting up your UK business for the first time, make sure to explicitly identify your particular industry of focus and align your contact centre operations accordingly.

Certain industries will require certain features and staff considerations. For example, a software company will need to employ technically savvy agents. Likewise, a medical company would need employees and resources with a certain level of medical expertise.

Choose the tools that fit your UK contact centre needs

And of course, you need the right tools for the job!

Three of the most important contact centre tools are your contact centre platform or software, a CRM, and ideally, some type of performance monitoring or QA tool.

Let’s take a look at each of these in more detail.

1. A contact centre platform

This is a must-have. Your audience needs some way to reach you, and if they’re using phone calls or text messaging, you’ll need a cloud contact centre platform.

This platform should have a built-in phone system (meaning it can take phone calls and SMS messages), and it should also have other channels if you use them.

For example, Dialpad’s platform lets you talk, message, and meet—all in one app—and it works on mobile too, which means agents could work from their phones as well as their computers.

The best thing is that it’s designed for both external and internal communication. That means agents can communicate with customers and also their teammates and supervisors from the same app.

Not only that, supervisors can see at a glance whether their service levels are up to standard:

Service level alerts in dialpad contact center blog size v2

If you’re running a remote or hybrid contact centre, then you’ll definitely want to look at a unified communications platform like this, that uses VoIP technology.

2. CRM (customer relationship management) system

A customer relationship management system is a software tool that organises and stores customer records and data. Using a CRM helps organisations make more customer-centric decisions that improve customer interactions and reduce repetitive work and questions.

For example, a core function of any CRM—when properly integrated with a contact centre platform—is to display customer details on calls. When agents have those details right there in front of them, it makes it so much easier to address each caller’s individual and specific concerns in a more personalised way.

Make sure that whatever telephony solution you’re using integrates with a CRM. Dialpad, for example, offers integrations with a wide range of popular CRMs including Salesforce, Kustomer, HubSpot, Kizen, and more (all of which are available on the App Marketplace).

These integrations embed a computer telephony integration or CTI dialler inside those tools, which allows agents to have phone calls without leaving the window or toggling back and forth between tabs:


3. Performance monitoring tools

Lastly, make sure that your contact centre is equipped with performance monitoring tools to observe, track, and log operations, performance, and any irregularities or shrinkage issues as they arise. After all, how else would you be able to tell if you’re tracking well against your customer satisfaction goals?

With the help of performance monitoring tools, contact centres can embark on a process of constant improvement, making any necessary changes as-and-when a situation calls for it.

Dialpad Ai Contact Centre, for instance, comes with built-in analytics and dashboards that show you things like how many missed and abandoned calls are occurring:


Fun fact: Dialpad also integrates with Playvox to give you robust WEM/WFM tools that help with contact centre forecasting, scheduling, and more:

Playvox scheduling

Staffing: How to put together your contact centre team

Now that the backend is sorted, it’s time to think call centre staffing and how to fill yours with the best talent out there. You’ll need to define the roles that need filling, develop a recruitment marketing campaign, ensure that you’re able to measure progress, create a training program, and define your company culture.

1. Determine the roles/positions your contact centre needs

Start by finding suitable candidates to work for your contact centre. What are the characteristics of your ideal contact centre representative? For example, would you need them to work flexible hours? Do they need comprehensive experience? Should they have technical knowledge?

Now’s a great time to create some exemplar resumes for your ideal candidates. Create one for each role that needs filling.

Typically, a contact centre will be made up of employees carrying out the following roles:

  • Contact centre agent or rep

  • Contact centre manager

  • Team lead

  • Director of customer services

  • Operations manager

  • Trainer/ educator

  • Quality analyst

2. Develop a recruitment process for everyone, from managers to agents

Your recruitment process should be shaped by the type of candidates you’re aiming to target. For example, if you’re a local business setting up an on-premises contact centre, you might want to target local employees in your city or region.

If you’re operating a remote contact centre then this might be less of a criteria, and your recruitment process might cross borders (in which case, make sure you’re making all of the necessary language and time-zone provisions for your candidates accordingly).

A great way to identify the best employees from your pool of applicants is to give each applicant an assessment or trial period. This will help both you and them to figure out whether they’re a good match with your organisation.

Finally, remember that most contact centres spend a lot of time dealing with customers. It’s important that contact centre employees have the core traits of empathy, resilience (customers aren’t always nice), a detail-oriented mindset, confidence, and that all-important spark!

3. Know how you will measure performance

Contact centre metrics are going to be a central part of this process. They are key when it comes to call centre workforce management and will help you measure the success of your operations in general, as well as individual agents and representatives on the job.

These are essential contact centre KPIs that you’ll want to consider tracking in your centre:

Average talk time: This is the average amount of time (in minutes and seconds) that passes between the agent picking up a call and the caller then hanging up.

Average handle time: This is the average length of time that a customer spends on a call (including all points of contact).

Average speed to answer (ASA): This is the amount of time it takes for a customer to reach an agent, including the call routing and queuing process. Dialpad has a heat map that shows you this so you don't need to calculate anything:


Declined call rate: The number of calls actively refused by an agent (in an inbound contact centre this suggests that call volumes exceed contact centre capacity and that it might be time to start thinking about call centre outsourcing).

Missed call rate: The number of unanswered calls that were not picked up by an agent in time. Missed calls are a common problem in overstretched contact centres.

Transfer rate: This is the percentage of inbound calls that agents transfer to other team members or departments.

4. Create an ongoing training program

Being a successful call centre agent comes with a lot of challenges, and agents must be trained to deal with the ups and downs of customer support. Try to offer training events as part of your call centre management that cover core contact centre issues like effective communication, empathy, and your organisation’s particular service level standards and expectations.

And don’t stop there.

Modern contact and call centre software has revolutionised the way contact centre managers can train their staff. One thing that's unique about Dialpad's contact centre solution is that it uses Dialpad Ai to let you do training in real time—at scale—while agents are on calls.

Not only can Dialpad Ai track how often certain keywords are coming up on calls (like "refunds" or "money back," for instance), it also lets you create Real-Time Assist (RTA) cards with tailored notes. These RTA cards can be set to trigger when those keywords are spoken!

For example, if I find that our customers ask lots of questions about how to port numbers and we just hired lots of new agents, I could create an RTA card to help them speak to this topic:


This is a great way to do ongoing training and development for your contact centre—without having your supervisors personally sit in on every single call.

With all these extra resources in Dialpad, managers can easily oversee multiple agents on simultaneous active calls, while referring to built-in analytics to keep track of all those important metrics I just mentioned.

👉 Dialpad tip:

To create a coaching card go to Admin Settings> Call Centres > Create a Card. You’ll be able to choose whether you’d like to create a card from scratch or use a predefined template.

5. Define the team culture

You’ve got your business plan and started hiring an all-star team. Now it’s time to cultivate a positive and empowering team culture.

This is so important for performance and employee retention. It can be hard working for a contact or call centre company. For teams to perform optimally, you’ll need a strong call centre management team that’s ready and willing to support and motivate everybody.

Here’s how to find and define your own team culture:

  1. Set out your core values and company mission

  2. Recognise how you set the tone, and then be an example

  3. Keep expectations clear for everyone

  4. Explore how others do it

  5. Keep the culture growing and evolving

Ready to provide a great customer experience with a contact centre?

You’re ready to go. Time to start planning, executing, and deploying your very own contact centre.

Setting up a contact centre can seem like a daunting prospect for everyone (startups, small businesses owners, and enterprise businesses alike) but thanks to flexible, cloud-based SaaS service providers, it’s now easier than ever to get started.

Starting a contact centre?

Starting a contact centre? (Or just looking to upgrade your call centre?) Book a demo of Dialpad to see how you can use it to set up remote agents around the world, or take a self-guided interactive tour of the app on your own first!