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Voicemail drop

If your sales team does a ton of outbound calling and prospecting, voicemail drop is a great way to help them reach more leads in less time. See how it works in Dialpad's AI-powered sales engagement platform with a product tour!


Drop with a click

All your reps have to do is click a button to drop in their pre-recorded voicemail message. Yes, it's that easy. It takes just a second to do something that used to take minutes. (That's a lot of reclaimed selling time!)

Dialpad's voicemail drop feature, which lets sales reps drop in a pre-recorded message when they hit prospects' voicemails.

Live guidance for sellers on calls

With Dialpad's Ai Playbooks, coaches and supervisors can track rep adherence to sales methodologies like BANT, SPICED, and SPIN more easily. Dialpad Ai can automatically suggest questions and phrases that they need to say during a call (for example, asking about budget or purchase timelines), understand whether the behavior was met, and check the task off the list (or notify managers if this isn't being done).

Screenshot of Dialpad Ai suggesting BANT sales playbook tasks for a rep in real time

Make a (sales) mixtape

Let your sales reps learn on their own time! Create a playlist of your best (or worst) sales calls and share them with the team so they can listen and learn from each others' experiences.

Creating a coaching call playlist in Dialpad

Integrations with your favorite sales tools

Salesforce, Zoho CRM, HubSpot, Outreach, you name it, Dialpad probably integrates with it. (Plus there's an open API if you want to build your own custom integrations!)

Dialpad's Salesforce integration automatically populating a call's details.

Real-time assists

Getting tricky questions about pricing? Got some new reps who aren't familiar with your competitors? Dialpad lets you create RTA (Real-Time Assist) cards with tailored notes about different topics. And the best part? You can set them to trigger automatically on reps' screens as soon as those keywords (like "price," "how much," or even your competitor names) are spoken on the call.

Dialpad's real time assist card feature popping up helpful notes for an agent or rep when a tricky question comes up on a call.

All in one unified platform

Dialpad isn't just a sales dialer or a phone system. It's a full-fledged collaboration and sales engagement platform that lets you make phone calls, send instant SMS/MMS messages, have video meetings, and more—all from one intuitive desktop and mobile app. Plus it works on browsers too, so your prospects and clients don't have to download anything to join your video conference!

Screenshot of business text messaging features in Dialpad's desktop and mobile applications

Want to see voicemail drop in action?

Book a product tour to see how sales teams are using Dialpad to connect with more leads in less time, close more deals, and hit their numbers.

💡 Did you know?

Dialpad's sales engagement platform has a built-in VoIP phone system that gives you high-quality telephony around the world. Best of all, the voicemail drop feature is built right into this system, so you don't have to pay for (and manage) a separate tool.

Reach more prospects with voicemail drop

See why sales teams are using Dialpad Sell to reach more prospects, schedule more meetings, and close more deals. If you need a business phone system or sales engagement solution, book a product tour to see how Dialpad can make life easier for your sales reps!