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Phone extension

Phone extensions not only give your team a quick way to dial each other internally, but also let your callers route themselves directly to someone specifically in your company. With Dialpad, extensions come included in all Enterprise plans. See how it works with Dialpad’s AI-powered collaboration platform!

Computer screen showing Dialpad being deployed and a phone number being added from the online dashboard
Dialpad extensions
Screenshot of business text messaging features in Dialpad's desktop and mobile applications
Screenshot of Dialpads call routing options
Screenshot of adding and managing phone numbers from Dialpad's online dashboard
Screenshot of a list of recorded calls in Dialpad's app, showing caller IDs, times, and durations
Screenshot of Dialpad Ai transcribing a phone call in real time
A video call happening in Dialpads appScreenshot of Dialpad's video conferencing interface displaying a video feed with two participants