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LemonBrew makes 57% more calls with Dialpad

Real estate agents

Anyone who has tried house hunting in this market can tell you: it is neither cheap nor easy. That’s why LemonBrew (formerly known as SD Capital Funding) strives to simplify the home buying process through tech-forward approaches in lending and insurance, connecting buyers with real estate agents, and more. Essentially, it’s the one-stop shop for people who are ready to buy a home.

“We’re always looking to brew something up,” says Jordan Lay, Senior Product Manager at LemonBrew. But that wasn’t easy to do because their business phone system kept causing problems.

“I was not happy with it at all,” explains Brandon Snider, LemonBrew’s Vice President of Technology. “It kept breaking, it was buggy, it didn’t do what it said it would, and everything came at a super expensive cost.”

Their leadership team could not directly access phone records or metrics, severely reducing visibility into their calls. And if they wanted to make any changes, like adding a new seat, that could take days. As for integrations? There weren’t any.

The biggest win is that we got a full telephony package and we didn’t need to grow our technology team to support it.


Real estate agents talking
Hand holding keys

Better than the “gold standard”

LemonBrew’s team members pride themselves on being an innovative company, so they wanted a business communications platform that was just as innovative. When they found Dialpad, they knew they had found a like-minded company. “We ended up choosing Dialpad because we have a very similar culture,” Brandon says.

Jordan agreed. “Dialpad was the only company that had everything we wanted, and I’m not even going to say it was close,” he said. “Just from the very first meeting, I knew it was who we were going to partner with.” And so, they made the switch.

“Dialpad’s reliability was the biggest piece,” says Jordan. “Having that confidence that we don’t have to worry about the tech not supporting us—that reliability and greater visibility of the calls coming in and why—has been great. It’s just simple and reliable.”

In addition to the reliability, Dialpad was surprisingly easy to set up. LemonBrew didn’t need to hire a team of engineers or telecom analysts to configure it, as Brandon feared—all it took was a few clicks and it was good to go:

Screenshot of adding users to Dialpad from the online dashboard

“Implementation was absolutely perfect,” Jordan says. “I’m incredibly thankful for the team that we had.” Plus, the fact that Dialpad is a hosted cloud solution means LemonBrew doesn’t have to worry about maintenance, upkeep, or updates—Dialpad handles all that for them.

More efficient calls and meetings with analytics & Ai

Now that LemonBrew is on Dialpad, they have access to all the call analytics and recordings that were restricted under their old system. “Listening to call recordings and looking at call history is so easy,” marvels Brandon. “And getting a local presence at the click of a button is awesome.”

With Dialpad’s robust analytics, all the details they need are available in a single place. From there, they can look into specific calls, times, and sales reps to get details and insights that help them grow:

Screenshot of Dialpads built in call analytics dashboard

On top of that, Dialpad has helped LemonBrew’s internal communications with its video conferencing feature. Now they can schedule meetings and send invitations in a click, join instantly from anywhere (no PINs needed), and have more productive meetings.

For instance, every meeting is automatically transcribed in real-time, thanks to Dialpad Ai, so they can go back and check the record for notes and action items whenever they need it. According to Jordan: “We’ve been able to have more effective meetings because we know that Dialpad Ai will take notes.” Afterwards, they can go back and see everything they discussed, while being more focused on the meetings at the moment:

Screenshot of Dialpad Ai transcribing a video call in real time

Saving hours each day with the Salesforce integration

LemonBrew’s sales team relies on Salesforce for pretty much all their communications with customers. “Our world revolves around Salesforce,” Brandon explains. So one key thing they needed from their business communications was the ability to integrate with Salesforce.

Of course, Dialpad does that too. Now LemonBrew’s team can launch calls right from within Salesforce with a click, and all their calls are automatically logged.

“Dialpad saves us hours per day of just pure data entry time, because we can see in Salesforce who we called, access the recordings, and see exactly what we spoke about," says Jordan. "Having the power dialer and being able to more efficiently make calls helps us reach thousands of clients every day.”

No more switching between apps or manually logging everything for them, and the integration even helps them automate dialing outbound calls (and it didn’t take long to set up either).

Easier access to data with truly unified communications

A key factor that makes Dialpad work for LemonBrew can be summed up in one word: TrueCaaS. And that really comes in handy when LemonBrew needs to get call data.

💡 What’s TrueCaaS?

TrueCaaS is what we at Dialpad call a truly unified communications platform, combining UCaaS, CCaaS, and AI functionality—basically all your communication channels—into a single solution. One login, one account, one beautiful user experience.

Because Dialpad gives LemonBrew a single hub for calls, text messages, contact center functionality, and more, it allows them to access the data for all their communications from one place, whenever they need it.

With LemonBrew’s old vendor, gathering data and analytics was a long and tiring process. Jordan would have to contact the vendor, give them information about the specific call (including the “to” and “from” numbers), and wait to hear back. Even then, they could only get data from one call at a time.

Now? Anyone who needs that data can pull it from Dialpad. “With Dialpad’s TrueCaaS platform, just having one hub so we can call and text from the same platform and pull the analytics has been humongous,” Jordan says. “Now we’re able to get so much more insight on our calls and go into the recordings.”

This has empowered their team to work faster—a lot faster. Jordan estimates that they’re 45 to 60 times more efficient at pulling and organizing data, now that they no longer have to jump through hoops or take it one call at a time.

“In terms of time saved, we’re going from hours, or even days, to a couple of minutes. Now, if we want to pull, say, calls that were managed by team members over a three-week window, we can pull those in a couple of minutes.”

Photo of three people in a meeting

57% more calls (with a third of the staff) in just four months

By tracking their call metrics each month, LemonBrew can see exactly how much more efficient they’ve become. In just four months, they’ve managed to make more calls, even with a smaller staff.

“In January, our sales team at the time made about 6,000 calls, and in May, they were able to make almost 9,400. So that’s an increase in 57% in just four months. And it gets better! Our January staff was about three times larger than our May staff was, so we’re getting all that extra reach with one-third the staff size. It’s pretty remarkable to see how we’re reaching new efficiencies,” Jordan says.

LemonBrew’s sales team is always busy, whether they’re talking to borrowers, working with real estate agents, or on the go to local properties. Fortunately, Dialpad comes with plenty of features that make daily work and training easier on sales teams.

“The call recording and agent coaching are specific to sales, and those are huge,” Brandon says. “We’re able to go in and see what call came in what path or route calls based on certain data attributes—we have all that configurability.”

LemonBrew has a centralized space where they can see how their teams are doing and what pitfalls they may encounter. When the housing market shifts, they can alert clients more quickly, and make sure that all their agents are fully informed and know what to say.

Photo of a real estate agent visiting a house with clients

LemonBrew’s team members love that they don’t have to be stuck at their desks. If they need to take a call on the go, they can. If they need to switch from the computer to phone, or back again, they can do that too.

“For sales reps, Dialpad’s mobility is a big win,” explains Brandon. “You can go from being at a desk to your mobile device with the click of a button.”

Of course, not everyone likes talking on the phone these days. So the sales team at LemonBrew has also been embracing text messaging (which, of course, they can do right from the Dialpad app).

“Dialpad’s texting technology has helped us recognize the value that texting provides, since nowadays people are more likely to respond to a text than a phone call," says Jordan. "In January, our sales team sent 1,400 text messages, but in May, they sent almost 3,700—that’s an increase of about 162%.”

After switching to Dialpad, LemonBrew’s old communications problems are no more. They went from having minimal analytics to gaining incredible insights into every call, and from an expensive and time-consuming platform that constantly broke down to a hosted platform that comes at an affordable, predictable price. And with new updates rolling out all the time, LemonBrew found the innovation they wanted.

Looking for an innovative UCaaS solution for your real estate business?

Get started with a free trial of Dialpad and see it for yourself! Or, take a self-guided interactive tour of the app.