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See how this mobile X-ray company connects teams with Dialpad

Xray results
CMMS 2017 Logo WHITE




Corridor Mobile Medical Services is a mobile X-ray company that provides digital x-ray and EKG services to hospice centers, assisted living facilities, clinics, surgery centers, home-bound patients, and any place with patients that have physical limitations. With 5 offices and 40 employees on staff, Corridor aims to continue its 25-year history of providing great service and having a positive team-driven company culture.

Lowry, Chief Operations Officer, oversees day-to-day operations, including customer service concerns, compliance-related issues, and much more. Corridor Mobile came from a legacy phone system and needed a modern cloud based phone system to comply with their needs, Dialpad was the perfect fit, which made the transition a breeze.

Once our team fully implemented Dialpad, it was easy to adapt to and exceptionally easy to use by all.

Jamie Lowry | Chief Operations Officer

A doctor using his phone
A female doctor

Each employee used a desk phone and seamlessly transitioned to Dialpad’s cloud communication platform, giving Corridor Medical a powerful calling system with artificial intelligence, real time coaching, and sentiment analysis. Corridor Mobile’s IT Director needed to find a solution that was “with the times” and a natural fit with their company, so it was no surprise they picked a business phone system that delivered just that.

Dialpad was the best and most cost-effective way to allow our company to stay connected.

Jamie Lowry
Chief Operations Officer

As Corridor Mobile Medical Services is a mobile company, with employees working in the field and in office, it was important to find a solution that supported both work styles. With the help of Dialpad, Corridor Medical is now able to work remotely, efficiently, and confidently.

Take Dialpad for a spin

Sign up for a 14-day free trial to get phone calls, video meetings, and instant + SMS/MMS messaging in one place. It takes just a few minutes to get started, and you'll be set up with a virtual phone number too!