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How call recording helps AER Technologies’ agents improve their performance

Agents at work

If you’ve ever tried going for a long drive with a broken radio or sound system, you know how important automotive electronics are. AER Technologies specializes in automotive electronic repair, including speedometers and radios, but also certain non-automotive electronics. “If it has a circuit board, we can work on it,” says Customer Service Supervisor Daniel Murillo.

And when a customer calls in to schedule an appointment, follow up on a repair, or even just ask a question, Daniel’s team knows they need to provide excellent service.

That gets a little tricky when their contact center’s phone system doesn’t provide any call recording, visibility into their performance, or QA scorecards. Worse yet: when they signed up for AT&T Collaborate, they made sure to ask for those very specific features, only to be told after signing the contract that they’d need to get them from a third party.

With Dialpad, the call abandon rate dropped by about 13%.


A man inspecting a machine

AER was paying for an expensive bundle, but it didn’t have anything they had asked for. They could still get reports on their calls, but to call them “inconsistent” would be an understatement.

They’d give me six to eight reports, but nothing ever made sense. We’d get 100 calls a day, then I’d look at the next report from the same day and it would show 120 calls. I’d pull the same information in my next report—105. So nothing ever matched up. It doesn’t matter how many reports I have when none of the data is the same.


And if they needed help or technical support, they would get bounced between sub-companies and departments until finally getting a response—weeks after the fact. “I would have to wait on average 2-4 weeks after opening a ticket to hear back. The issue would normally fix itself, which was horrible since we wouldn’t know it would be fixed.”

It was time for a change, so Daniel and his team began looking for a new business communications platform. After one vendor basically disappeared after making a pitch, they finally found a solution that had all the analytics, transcriptions, and customer support they needed.

Real-time analytics, no third-party needed

One of the main reasons AER Technologies chose Dialpad was that it offered all the features they wanted to get from AT&T Collaborate (but didn’t), and then some.

For instance, Dialpad’s contact center software has a built-in wallboard, which lets managers and agents see their contact center operations and performance in real-time. This makes it easy to see how active the contact center is, set goals, and track analytics in the moment:

Mainline Support with Live Calls UI

“I love the wallboard,” Daniel says. “It pretty much sold us on Dialpad, along with all the added bonuses—the call recording, the transcriptions, and every little thing that were ‘extras’ with AT&T. We don’t need to use a third party for them, and they’re all super nice. And the customer service is phenomenal.”

Of course, that’s only in the rare instance when they have to contact customer support. After switching to Dialpad, things have gotten pretty quiet in the IT Department these days. And with the analytics, it’s easy to see how things have been improving. For instance, AER Technology’s team is able to answer more calls while decreasing abandoned calls—the abandon rate dropped by about 13% from what it once was in the first month alone!

Keeping everyone in the loop with call recording and transcripts

Before Dialpad, quality assurance basically came down to asking agents what happened during a call. They didn’t have call recordings or transcripts to check, so it often turned into a case of “he said/she said.”

“We didn’t have the capability to listen in to phone calls before—there was no way for me to even do that,” says Daniel.

With Dialpad? That’s no longer an issue. Dialpad not only offers call recording (along with options to customize call recording rules and notifications) but also includes automatic, real-time transcriptions, compliments of Dialpad Ai:

Screenshot of Dialpad's call review user interface

Now, when a situation comes up where they need to check a conversation to see exactly what was discussed, or a customer says they weren’t told about something, it’s easy to do that. They can pull up the conversation and listen to it, or find the exact moment in the transcript. No more “he said/she said.”

And if a manufacturer calls in asking about a call with a customer, Daniel’s team can pull up the call and find the exact quote or moment in literally seconds.

The call reporting is also much more accurate—the AER team can create custom reports or check their call analytics and see exactly how many calls they’re getting, how long the calls last for, and even CSAT scores.

“With Dialpad, everything is consistent,” Daniel says.

Screenshot of Dialpad's support analytics dashboard

Helping agents grow with QA scorecards

Now that AER Technologies has better insights into their calls, they can also provide better (and more actionable) feedback. They can do that with Dialpad’s QA scorecards, which help contact centers objectively measure their calls to find out what agents are doing well and where there’s still room to improve.

Screenshot of Dialpad's QA scorecards feature

I like the fact that I’m able to sort scorecards by the actual grade. For instance, I can see all of someone’s two-star calls, so during our annual review, we can pull up the phone calls and discuss them, which is really nice.


These provide clear areas for feedback, so agents can know where they need to improve and what their strengths are. Daniel is quite clear that he’s “not there to hound them on their mistakes,” but to use the scorecards as learning experiences for mentoring.

“As long as you’re always improving, that’s the main thing,” he says. “I’m not going to critique them on every little thing, but we can see how to improve.”

And with Dialpad’s Ai CSAT, AER Technologies will be able to get an even more detailed look at their agents’ performances. Dialpad Ai uses natural language processing to identify customer sentiment, then uses that to provide a customer satisfaction score—without the customer even needing to fill out a survey. As AER Technologies starts using this tool, Daniel is looking forward to giving his agents tools and guidance they need to succeed and keep customers happy:

Screenshot of Dialpad's predictive Ai CSAT feature

After a platform that charged too much without providing the features they needed, inconsistent reporting, and absolutely no call visibility, AER Technologies was ready for something new. With Dialpad, they found all the tools they wanted (and even some they didn’t know they needed) and insights they can trust.

“We are very happy with Dialpad,” says Daniel.

“Working with Dialpad has been night and day compared to our previous provider.”

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