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Roman Healthcare Group migrates to a new phone system in minutes

Roman Healthcare Group customer story

The transition to Dialpad was almost instant, we had maybe 10 minutes of downtime. Honestly, it might not have even been that long—we were having a training meeting when it rolled over.

Will Musto
Director of Operations

We love that we can jump right in on Dialpad, pull call recordings, and listen to those. And we can set it so that recording starts automatically, so we don’t have to say ‘Don’t forget to hit record on the call.

Will Musto
Director of Operations

Average external talk time per employee is up by 90 minutes per week versus this time last year, and our call volume at large has increased two or three fold.

Will Musto
Director of Operations

Don’t be afraid of taking the jump. There’s a certain amount of stress when thinking of changing, especially for something as vital to a company as your phone system, but if you choose the right provider, the transition can be seamless.

Will Musto
Director of Operations

Take Dialpad for a spin

Sign up for a 14-day free trial to get phone calls, video meetings, and instant + SMS/MMS messaging in one place. It takes just a few minutes to get started, and you'll be set up with a virtual phone number too!