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Local phone numbers

Need a local business number? With Dialpad's Ai-powered collaboration platform, you can get set up with a virtual local number in minutes by signing up for a free trial. Try it out!

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Screenshot of porting a phone number from Dialpads online dashboard

A unified communications platform

Even with Dialpad's most basic plan, you get a robust communications platform that includes phone calls, video meetings, and instant + SMS messaging, all in one desktop and mobile app.

Screenshot of Dialpads desktop and mobile apps

Real-time transcriptions

Dialpad's artificial intelligence, called Dialpad Ai, is built by our own team from the ground up. What does it do? Not only does it transcribe calls—in real time—it also helps contact center teams in particular with Real-time Assist (RTA) cards and keyword tracking in conversations.

Screenshot of Dialpad Ai transcribing a phone call in real time

Easy call forwarding

Forward your phone calls to your cell phone, your colleague, another department, or even a landline. With Dialpad, you get a maximum of five call forwarding numbers.

Screenshot of adding a call forwarding number from Dialpad’s online dashboard

Customizable call routing

No more waiting for an IT team to change your settings, With Dialpad, you can make changes to your IVR and routing on your own, in minutes, right in your online dashboard.

Screenshot of Dialpad's call routing options

Every Dialpad plan comes with a local business number

Dialpad's plans start at $15 per user per month, and comes with a local phone number included, along with unlimited calling in your country, the US, and Canada—and also a ton of other features. Sign up for a 14-day trial to try it now, or take a self-guided tour of the app!

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Screenshot of obtaining a toll-free number during Dialpad account setup

FAQs about local phone numbers