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International phone number

If your business is going international or needs to spin up new offices around the world quickly, Dialpad lets you get international business numbers for almost every country in the world right in your online dashboard. Book a product tour to see how easy it is!

Screenshot of choosing a caller ID to display when making a work call using Dialpad-s app

As your organisation grows and expands into new regions throughout the globe, you'll want to make sure that your communications can move and scale with you.

Dialpad provides international business numbers for the offices, departments, teams, and individuals within your organisation throughout Australia, New Zealand, the Americas, EMEA, and LATAM. Give your employees the ability to communicate and do business both locally and globally!

Dialpad-to-Dialpad international collaboration: Always free

Dialpad-to-Dialpad communications are always free when you call through the app using HD calls. (On the mobile app, you'll have the option to choose between Carrier and HD call. With Carrier, you'll be charged the usual international rate for international calls.)

That means as long as HD call is selected, when a salesperson in EMEA needs to discuss terms of a deal with someone in the US, that call will be free.

And when teams in APAC and LATAM need to sync on details before a project can move forward, those messages are free of charge too. And when everyone needs to be on the same page to move massive global initiatives forward, those Dialpad Meetings are included, at no extra charge.Dialpad’s platform is built on the concept of collaboration, so that no matter where your teams are, they always have the tools to get things done quickly and collaboratively.

Regions and countries with international number availability

Dialpad offers international numbers for these countries all around the world. If there is a country that your organisation needs a phone number for that isn't listed here, get in touch with us—we’re always adding more:

  • Belgium

  • Brazil*

  • Canada

  • China*

  • Denmark

  • France*

  • Germany*

  • Indonesia*

  • Ireland*

  • Italy

  • Japan*

  • Malaysia*

  • Mexico*

  • Netherlands

  • New Zealand*

  • Philippines*

  • Poland

  • Portugal*

  • Singapore*

  • Spain

  • Sweden

  • United Kingdom

  • United States

  • Vietnam*

*Some feature restrictions apply

See how ClassPass did it

“The biggest driver was the sheer list of countries—the fact that we could expand where we were going to expand and Dialpad basically had it all. The long list of countries we had expanded to and intended to expand to in 2020 was all there.” - Randy Tanenhaus, IT Manager at ClassPass

Need international phone numbers for work?

Book a walkthrough of Dialpad's unified communications platform to see how easy it is to get set up. Or, take a self-guided interactive tour of the app on your own first!

And that's not all you get with Dialpad

Dialpad's Connect plans start at $20 per user per month, and come with unlimited calling in Australia, the US, and Canada, along with...

Easy call routing

Don't wait for a third party or IT consultant to help you change your routing options. Do it easily yourself, right from your Dialpad account.

Screenshot of Dialpad's call routing options

Call forwarding

Forward calls to your cell phone, a colleague, another department—whoever you want—with 5 maximum forwarding numbers. With Dialpad, you never have to miss a call again.

Screenshot of adding a call forwarding number in Dialpad's online dashboard.

Truly unified communications

Dialpad isn't just a phone system. Not only can you make phone calls, you can also have video meetings and send instant + SMS messages—all in the same app.

Screenshot of Dialpads desktop and mobile apps

More than just a phone system

If you're interested in an AI-powered platform that lets you handle all your communications channels in one convenient place, sign up for a free trial to take Dialpad for a test drive and get set up with a virtual business number in just a few minutes. Or, book a demo with our team to see how it works!