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How Hometap connects with homeowners across 15 states (with room to scale)

Real estate agents visiting a house
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  • Enterprise


  • Financial & Insurance Services


Screenshot of the Dialpads integration UI with Salesforce

“Dialpad’s Salesforce integration has been critical for us to scale. We recently wrapped up a key project by leveraging the API between Salesforce and Dialpad.”

Tom Griffiths | Sales Operations Manager

A woman shaking hands with a man
Screenshot of Dialpad's real time analytics dashboard

Dialpad brings a lot of visibility to us inside the systems we use every day and lets us triangulate on who’s doing well and who needs help. From an analytics standpoint, it’s brought a lot of value to us.

Tom Griffiths
Sales Operations Manager

What has the biggest impact for us is the ability to track all the metrics, including calls made, calls connected, and call duration. We look at calls made per day, but also what constitutes a quality call (which for us is three minutes or greater), total talk time for the week, and we use these metrics to build a productivity score for our Investment Managers.

Tom Griffiths
Sales Operations Manager

Screenshot of creating a Custom Moment in Dialpad which tracks how often certain keywords are coming up on calls
Screenshot of Dialpads real time assist card feature popping up helpful notes for an agent when a tricky question comes up on a call
Screenshot of Dialpad call routing feature
Screenshot of call transfer UI

Dialpad gives us a lot of flexibility to customize how we’re interacting with homeowners. We can set up our out of office and working hours so that even when someone isn’t on duty, they can still make sure the homeowner gets on their calendar or redirected to someone who is available to talk. When someone takes time off, we can set up the routing rule to have calls go straight to their manager and have that continuity for the homeowner—and it’s really easy to configure.

Tom Griffiths
Sales Operations Manager

Screenshot of adding and managing phone numbers from Dialpads online dashboard

Take Dialpad for a spin

Sign up for a 14-day free trial to get phone calls, video meetings, and instant + SMS/MMS messaging in one place. It takes just a few minutes to get started, and you'll be set up with a virtual phone number too!

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