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Call centre outsourcing: Everything you need to know

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customer support


As your team and business grows and flourishes, an important consideration is how you’ll scale up your operations. What if your customer support team is getting overwhelmed by calls and messages? Or your sales reps need to hit higher numbers than they’re currently doing? Enter call centre outsourcing. What worked for your business when you were first starting out simply may not be enough anymore. You need to ensure you’ve got the tools in place to deal with the increased demand from your customers and prospects.

The day may soon come when your business will have grown so much that it receives too many support requests for its internal teams to manage. That’s when you need some outside help.

👉 Dialpad tip:

Today, call centres have evolved beyond the call—to become contact centres that cover not only phone calls, but also live chat, social media, and other channels. Many people still use the terms interchangeably, but pay attention to which one they actually mean! You can learn more about this in our How to Start a Call Centre blog.

You don’t have to be a huge business conglomerate or established company to consider business process outsourcing (BPO call centres). Anyone struggling to meet the challenge of providing cost-effective customer support (and at some point, that’s likely to be every business) can benefit from an outsourcing solution.

Whether you’re running a startup or small business, or an experienced entrepreneur, call or contact centre outsourcing will allow you to focus your energy and resources on the goods or services that your company specialises in.

By instantly expanding your workforce, an outsourced call centre provides a productive and profit-maximising customer care solution.

Let’s take a closer look at what call centre outsourcing is, how it works, and how it can help your business.

What is contact or call centre outsourcing?

Simply put, call centre outsourcing involves contracting a team of agents that work outside of your company.

It helps your business prioritise what’s important (not that customer support isn’t, of course) by freeing up your workforce to supply the services it’s best at. Meanwhile, a proficient and high-quality team of call centre agents will handle the rest.

You wouldn’t attempt to install your office’s electrical circuits by yourself (we hope—that’d just be dangerous!), so why try to provide other services that an expert with years of experience can do better?

Call centre outsourcing can improve the customer experience by optimising your business’s functionality in key areas. As part of business process outsourcing (BPO), call centre services can provide a range of resources from customer service to help desk support, technical support, human resources, marketing, talent acquisition, finance (customer billing/AR/procurement), appointment setting, and telemarketing.

Wherever your company needs to lower costs or improve its quality of service, an outsourced contact or call centre can help.

And choosing a good cloud communication platform to handle your call centre solutions will make it easier for you to manage both inbound customer interactions and outbound interactions like sales and services.

For example, with modern contact centre software, agents can handle calls from anywhere on their desktop or mobile phones—while still displaying the company's phone number to the caller:


How does outsourcing work?

Contact centre outsourcing services work to minimise your organisation’s costs but maximise profits, all while maintaining and often improving customer satisfaction. (Sounds like a win-win.)

The outsourcing solution you choose will depend on your own business expectations, objectives, and goals. Before picking a service, assess your expectations and make sure you’re choosing an outsourcer that can cater to your unique business needs.

Say you’re looking to offload your company’s entire customer engagement departments. You’ll want to delegate customer calls in a flexible way to suit your personal workflow and SLA requirements.

👉 Dialpad tip:

See how PadSplit, an affordable housing marketplace, outsourced their contact centre team effectively to provide a seamless answering service for their customers.

Outsourcing works best when it can be tailored to your needs—while following the call centre trends that users have come to expect.

A quick case study in contact centre outsourcing

For PadSplit, their ideal call centre operation had to have the ability to record calls, have multiple agents staffing phone lines (internally and at their new third-party contact centre), and integrate a phone tree with several phone numbers.

They also needed to manage an outsourced team in the Philippines from their domestic USA headquarters. They used Dialpad's cloud contact centre platform to manage all of this, and one of the features they found particularly useful was reporting.

Here, the PadSplit team could constantly track metrics around how their third-party contact centre was performing and make sure their outsourced agents were keeping up with their domestic centre. Their entire call centre workforce management could be done from one dashboard in Dialpad (see that little dropdown in the top left that toggles between contact centre teams?):

Contact center analytics blog size

Their supervisors also used Dialpad’s sentiment analysis feature to identify whether live calls were starting to go badly—in real time.

And because Dialpad Ai transcribes calls live, these supervisors could read the transcripts for calls in real time before deciding whether they needed to jump in to help. (Being able to train and coach remotely like this is huge, especially for outsourced call centres like Padsplit’s.)

Learn more about how you can use AI to improve your customer service.

5 benefits of outsourced call centres

There are numerous benefits to outsourcing your contact centres and other support services.

There’s a reason Alexander Graham Bell hired a telephone operator mere days after his invention made its first call. Telephones are managed best when they are outsourced to someone else!

When outsourcing contact centre services, these are just some of the improvements you’ll see:

1. It’s cost-effective

Outsourcing to a provider that specialises in high-quality customer service operations is an excellent way to enhance your brand image and service capabilities—and minimise costs at the same time.

In-house teams can contribute greatly to your company’s administrative costs with the additional expenses involved in recruiting agents, hiring office space, and paying the required employee salary with benefits.

Using offshore call centres can be one way to control costs and free up essential capital for investment elsewhere.

2. It can improve your speed to answer and handle time

An in-house contact centre can never match the output of call centre outsourcing services. Top call centre outsourcing companies will have huge talent pools of capable agents ready to handle customer queries with a faster average speed of answering and shorter handling time.

Whether you’re looking for agents to assist with tech support or respond to social media queries, transferring these services to a more experienced team can improve engagement efficiency and increase the likelihood of customer retention.

Specifically, call routing is a simple but effective way to improve the speed with which your team picks up calls. In Dialpad Ai Contact Centre, you can see a heatmap of how quickly phone calls are being picked up:


With Dialpad, you can also customise your call routing in minutes with easy-to-set routing rules. All your incoming calls will pass through a routing engine, and you can pick their final destination from a range of options.

👉 Dialpad tip:

One thing that few other contact centre platforms can do is allow your agents to be logged into multiple queues at the same time. (You can do this in Dialpad!) If your goal is to staff more efficiently, this is a useful feature to have.

For example, you can route calls to agents that have been idle the longest, to a specific team member, or to a specialised department. This means that your callers will always reach the best agent to answer their query:

Call Routing Options in dialpad blog size

3. It can help with quality of service

The primary benefit of outsourcing your contact centres to a capable third party is that you’re getting a qualified team with the best and most specialised skills to help your customers.

If your in-house team doesn’t have the skillset to offer this kind of dedicated support, outsourcing can provide these resources at the flip of a switch.

For example, if you’re running a healthcare service, an outsourcing company can supply a team of trained nurses ready to respond to questions at a moment’s notice. Similarly, with financial services, outsourcing can provide on-hand experts in areas like money transfer, payments, and credit card transactions.

👉 Dialpad tip:

High-quality service begins with first-rate and unified training for call centre agents. If you’re splitting your teams between international and domestic call centres, you must maintain consistency and regular follow-ups.

When outsourcing your call centres, think about using a provider that offers remote training features. For example, Dialpad allows both agents and supervisors to shadow each other on calls, and supervisors especially can get a clear bird’s eye view of all live calls, the hold queue, agents’ statuses, and more—in one place.

4. It provides easier monitoring and analysis

Monitoring the quality of calls and collecting analytics are essential features for any contact centre.

If you have outsourced agents, it’s especially helpful to have real-time metrics and call analytics so you can keep a close eye on how they’re performing and how you can help them. Monitoring on its own is fine, but using the info and metrics you’ve gleaned from monitoring for things like coaching is key. Set the right standard for agent coaching and process development by using features like call recording to monitor performance.

✨ Want to improve your contact centre's performance?

Grab the Contact Centre Playbook, which breaks down everything you need to know, from setup to improving customer satisfaction—with examples from real contact centre teams across different industries.

Services you can outsource

Whether you work at a small business (more on small business contact centre solutions) or enterprise, you can easily scale by outsourcing things like call centre services.

Here are some ideas for what you could be outsourcing:

Inbound and outbound call solutions

You can outsource all types of customer contact, including both inbound and outbound call solutions. Customer service that supports multi-channel communication methods through a contact centre will meet a wider variety of client needs.

Workloads vary between inbound and outbound services, and you can choose to outsource either or both.

An inbound call centre typically focuses on customer service. By contrast, outbound call centre services often focus on sales and must achieve practical targets in this area.

With Dialpad, you can create a cloud contact centre in literally two or three clicks and easily assign various agents between inbound and outbound centres:

Single Item Card Adding New Agents to CC Team v2

All you have to do is navigate to your Admin settings > Departments > Assigned Operators & Phones. From here, you can add people from your team with ease just by entering their email addresses.

(To make sure call handling is delegated most promptly and efficiently, each department can also be handled by multiple operators.)



Few companies have substantial enough resources to cover an ongoing and successful telemarketing campaign. If telemarketing is the right approach for your business, outsourcing can sometimes be the most viable solution, especially when dealing with large call volumes.

👉 Dialpad tip:

Outsourcing doesn’t have to mean a loss of control over the marketing tools your business uses. Use a customisable sales pitch for your agents and monitor calls for consistency.

Lead generation

Lead generation focuses on creating demand and provoking consumer interest. Here, you need to identify the most likely prospects for future purchases.

Generating demand is made easier by following call patterns and collecting relevant sales call data and reporting. The right contact centre solution can help you track specific data, identify keywords, and perform sentiment analysis.

This will help you identify new consumer needs—and produce more targeted campaigns.

Technical support

Need to take the burden off your in-house staff? Employ a company that specialises in support services to provide your technical support. Often, these experts will answer questions faster because they already have all the tools necessary for the job.

(This also means that your business saves the money that it would have had to spend on employee training and exams that require constant renewal with market trends.)

3 best practices for managing an outsourced contact centre

Once you’ve decided to outsource a business function, you have to manage your contact centre successfully to take full advantage of the benefits of outsourcing.

Here are some best practices for managing your new contact centre:

1. Use the right tools


Manage your contact centre through a platform that integrates with customer relationship management software (CRM). This will allow your agents to have a cleaner, more streamlined workflow.

For example, Dialpad Ai Contact Centre integrates with CRMs like Salesforce and HubSpot so that agents can do things like have phone calls—right inside their CRM dashboard. Like this:


Performance monitoring

When your services are provided off-premises, you’ll need a way to make sure that quality is maintained and the approach to sales or customer support is consistent from agent to agent.

Dialpad Ai makes it easy for contact centre supervisors to monitor calls in real time. From the dashboard, you can view your agents’ live calls in progress. In this example, the supervisor can see that the sentiment is negative. They can view the real-time transcript of the call to see what’s going on:


And then if they need to take over… they can.

A communication solution

A well-maintained, seamless, and efficient communication solution will make sure that your agents are effectively resolving customer concerns and are properly prepared and trained for the job at hand.

Technically, you could, of course, use any old phone system or solution that lets agents take phone calls and respond to online requests or questions. But that’s just the bare bones. A really good communication solution will allow you to consolidate all these channels in one place, help with coaching and training, reduce operating expenses—and more.

For example, being able to add and remove agents from a contact centre in seconds rather than days or weeks will allow your business to be flexible no matter what changes come up.

2. Clearly illustrate all processes and workflows

Whatever service your contact centre is providing, it is vital to stay organised when handling a significant volume of calls and messages.

Help your agents maintain a structure to their workflows—it can keep errors to a minimum and allow for updates to be added with ease.

👉 Dialpad tip:

Have clear process documentation and workflow charts to help your agents assess the appropriate next steps more easily when they receive queries.

3. Keep the most important issues in-house

Ultimately, call centre outsourcing will free up your time and resources for the most critical issues and opportunities—but only if you implement a solution that suits your unique business model.

For example, you could offer support on primary issues from your domestic hub in Australia or New Zealand and outsource more basic or common queries to offshore sites.

Call routing can help you customise the process by choosing which calls go to which agents. With Dialpad, it's easy to bring intelligent call routing to your contact centre.

Not only does it have different routing options to choose from, but it also stands apart from competitors for ease of use and customisability. It takes just a few clicks to change a call’s direction!

Call centre outsourcing could be your key to a top-notch customer experience

Whatever you choose to outsource, whether it's a whole department or part of an existing in-house service, the most important thing is it shouldn't affect your customers' perception of your service.

With expanded workforces can come communication difficulties. If you opt for outsourcing, you'll need a cloud communication platform that can make sure you’re benefiting from all the advantages that outsourced call centres can provide.

Learn more about plans and pricing.

Want to outsource your contact centres, while maintaining control?

Book a demo to learn more about Dialpad Ai Contact Centre, or take a self-guided interactive tour of the app first!